Saturday, December 17, 2016

Progress Post 8

Yes I know it’s been a while since my last post, but I wasn’t sure if it was really making a difference in my journey. I wish I had lots of positive things to write…but I do remain optimistic even with all my setbacks.

Ok so those books I was going to read are still sitting on my night stand. I keep renewing them but I’m too exhausted at night to read them and have no other time. Or I should say time I can justify sitting and reading.

I got fake nails put back on. Not sure if I really pick that much less, but it doesn’t create as much damage as my real nails. I just hate having to make time for the upkeep. It’s not like it is relaxing having them filled and I can justify getting a manicure.
As far as makeup, I am back to using it cosmetics cc cream as the urban decay was just looking awful on me. When I run out, I would like to try Tarte Double Beauty Gel Foundation.

Another new thing is I have started to see an esthetician. She is just fantastic and very understanding. She knows I’m a skin picker (obviously). I have only had a couple mini facials since she doesn’t want to do too much until we address my acne issue. It’s getting really bad on the sides of face. So bumpy and just disgusting. L She has me taking probiotics and cutting out dairy (which is not hard for me). She definitely thinks I am having a reaction to something. I tried cutting out nuts for two weeks but didn’t notice an improvement. I think I will try cutting out corn for two weeks. I have been eating a lot of puffed corn. I still use the OCM, but fear that it may not be helping me, but it really gets all my makeup off... I have also switched over PCA skin products. I am giving them a chance but haven’t noticed too much improvement. I’ve only been using samples so I feel like I have nothing to lose by trying them. Although I really wanted to go with all natural products…they obviously are not working. I want to believe that if I didn’t pick my face my acne would just go away, but I don’t think that is entirely true. Yes it would be much better, but still not clear.

I have seen my esthetician twice and have my third appointment tomorrow and I am getting very anxious cause she wanted to do a facial but I can’t have any open wounds. Well shouldn’t be a shocker to fellow skin pickers, but I do. I tried to do better, but just thinking about it makes me want to “fix” my face. Of course scoring the Internet on how to clear acne scabs in one day isn’t quite going to work out. I’m tempted to cancel, but I am out of products. I feel like a disappointment. I had two weeks to try and leave my face along and I couldn’t resist. Wish me luck. I will write what happened…if I can find confidence to go there…

Friday, November 4, 2016

Skin Care

Ok so I certainly don’t want to sound like an infomercial or anything like that. I just want to share with you my experience finding skin care products that can help skin pickers. I am in no way free of skin picking but it is getting better. I am a face picker and believe if I can just get my acne under control my picking will be so much less. This though can apply to other nonface pickers. 

Now I have tried and spent so much time and money and even research into finding products that will “cure” me. Of course there is no such thing because I am causing the damage. So instead I need to focus on what products fit into my lifestyle. 

I consider myself a pretty health conscious person for the most part so I started researching all natural face products. I liked what I read and started looking online to purchase. On a whim I looked on etsy and emailed a few sellers and gave them a bit of my background. 

I received an email from Jerra of Bearsbeauty. I thought sure I’d give her products a chance. I mean my face was already bad so it couldn’t hurt. Jerra has been so much more than just a sales person. I can honestly say that if she were in it just for the money she would ignore my countless emails for help. She truly wants to help and is sensitive to all of my skin issues. She doesn’t judge and has experience with dermatillomania. She is very knowledgeable on skin care products and takes the time to develop a routine that can work for you. I think of her as my skin therapist.

 I know I still have a lot of damage to repair and I am still having setbacks, but I know that with the right products I can be better. ..or at least have hope… So I gain no benefit from posting this. Just hoping to help others.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Progress Post 7

So I went to the store to change my makeup. I was using it cosmetics cc cream. Loved the coverage, but the color was a bit off and the ingredients were not so good. I decided I was going to get Urban Decay Naked Skin (recommended by Jerra). Of course the sales lady was pushy and suggested a fuller coverage brand. (Thank you for reminding me of how much I need to hide my face) I have been wearing it for two days now and yes the coverage isn’t what I’m used to but I think it I just apply a couple layers it will be ok. I haven’t seen any improvement in my skin…but it’s only been two days.

I feel like my skin has looked better than it does presently. Maybe I have been picking a bit more. Ok just admit it I have. I can see there is a direct correlation between my skin picking and stress. I struggle with the face that I think if my skin were clearer I would pick less. While that may be true, I can’t help to think I will find something else to pick. Sometimes I wish I could just stay in the house for a couple days and not wear makeup to see if my face would improve. Of course with two kids I not sure that would go so well. Sometimes we all need a break J

So yes, I need to plan my next course of action. I am looking into reading a couple books on positive thinking and self-compassion. We shall see how that goes… 

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Progress Post 6

I feel like there is a bit of a setback this week. I am still doing better than I have been. I have come a long way in the past couple months. ….but I can still find a way to “cheat” if I have access to mirror. Isn’t that awful! I am embarrassed to admit it. One problem I’m running into is that I am trying out a bunch of different mineral makeup, but I need to look in a mirror to put it on correctly. My old foundation way easy…not much blending and done. I could literally have it done in a few minutes. Although I know the color was a bit off it worked.

I want my make-up to look more natural not so cakey. Your makeup should enhance your face right? Well not if you have discolored acne skin… I am really striving to go with all natural face products and now it’s time for makeup as well. I have talked about powder and how it so far hasn’t been a good experience and now I am trying out all natural liquid makeup. I am finding the best coverage to be liquid then maybe mineral powder. I hate that it takes me longer to apply and I need better light. That is bad news for any skin picker. But I really want to see if changing my makeup will help with my acne. I really need to work on my self-control during this!

Another thing I am striving to work on is forgiveness if I pick. I tend to get so upset with myself that I just can’t let it go. One thing I am trying to accomplish is to accept what is done as far as picking and move on. Just continue with my day. It is so hard when all you can think about if how far you’ve come and now you take a step back…

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Acne Absorbing Patches

I want to share with you one of my favorite products: acne absorbing patches.  I use this brand:

I have used to two other brands but love this one best. You can read over the review for this one and the other ones.  I have to say it has stood the test of time as far as acne products go. It creates a barrier between my fingers and my skin and can also heal acne or open wounds faster. Although you really can’t put makeup over it, it’s great for around the house or overnight. I have occasionally worn them in public and you really can’t tell unless they are in a really obvious spot….and sometimes they look better than having a huge open sore.

The only downside is that if you continue to use them they aren’t cheap. But sometimes my sanity/self-esteem is worth it. It makes me feel better knowing that it this little Band-Aid is helping my skin and my urges. I encourage all face pickers to at least try it…

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Progress Post 5

So I only have a few open sores maybe 1-2. That is a HUGE improvement. I should be happy about that, but instead all I see is a bunch of acne and red blotches. It also doesn’t help that I am trying to find new makeup that is better for my skin but might not give me the coverage I want. What I have learned this past week is that I put too much thought into what my face looks like. I see so much more than anyone else who looks at me probably sees. I mean really who I am trying to impress…
Yes I have acne and quite a bit. I am working on improving my skin, but it takes time for these products to do their job. (When it comes to my face, I am not patient!)

As I had said in an earlier post I am working with an amazing seller from etsy ( to help me find products and a routine that will help me. I recommend her to any skin picker! Jerra (the seller) truly wants to help not just get my money.
I still need to constantly remind myself not to touch my face, but it’s a struggle.

Update of my fake nails: I really see improvement!!! It’s worth a try

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Fidget Toys

The idea is if you keep your hands busy, the need to pick should lessen. The problem I have come across is you have to make sure you always have them. It would be helpful to have more than one or a few different ones so you don’t get bored. I have also read that you should find toys to mimic the sensation you get from picking. Although as a skin picker…there is none. The one toy I really like is the snake bracelet. It is easy to have with you at all times and it can really keep your hands busy.

Here’s another good website

Of course if you don’t want to buy anything or looking for a cheaper alternative you can try: bubble wrap, picking at cork stops, homemade silly putty, fill a balloon with sand for a stress ball, rubber bands, ripping paper, pipe cleaners, or just anything you can keep handy for your fingers to be busy.

Progress Post 4

I am trying to come to terms with living with dermatillomania. I still am striving to be free of picking, but there are going to be set backs. I have a hard time dealing with them. I am all on board to try new things, but I must admit I like to see immediate results. I need to be patient with myself and my face. I need to give it a chance to heal and then my acne will (cross-my-fingers) improve. I have been known to ask my husband how my face looks after I have gone one day of almost not picking. I shouldn’t expect much change, but I want there to be.

I recently came across this article I think it’s worth printing and going through and rereading and rereading. You really have to find something that is going to work for you! 

Friday, September 23, 2016

Progress Post 3

So I really like my skin care products, but I would like to give it a full month before I give it a review. Just to see how much of a difference they make. It is definitely worth a try to go the all-natural route. There are so many different shops on Etsy. I bought mine from BearsBeauty. I have nothing but good things to say about the owner Jerra. She is just awesome at creating a routine for you and really will help you with whatever you need. She is very knowledgeable and has experience with dermatillomania.

Anyway, back to my progress. I tried the fake nails and they really did help.  If anything they made me more aware of what I was doing in the moment. Unfortunately, I did an at home kits and had to take them off after a few days since I felt like they weren’t put on good enough. I am thinking about getting them done at a salon, but I hate to pay that price and I worry about how well they clean their tools.

Still struggle with the mornings, but it seems to be a bit better. I just keep trying to keep telling myself that more harm than anything becomes of me touching my face. But easier said than done, right?

I am looking into an all-natural minerals makeup. I’ve narrowed it done to either meow cosmetics or Lucy minerals. I think that making the switch would be overall better for my skin. I am a bit apprehensive because I need full coverage.


Friday, September 16, 2016

Progress Post 2+

I guess I feel like I need to post again or at least type something out to reflect on my feelings. Yesterday I received a bunch of all natural products from Etsy. I have been anxiously waiting for them to arrive. Although I shouldn’t expect miracle, I hate to admit I may have high hopes. (More on the products on a later post) I started right away and I am apprehensive that there will be an initial purge. But after doing some research, I should not have a purge since I’m not using any chemicals. But..after trying a couple products last night and this morning, I am breaking out more.
Is it that I am more paranoid of it to work or did touching my face with the product make it work? Or am I just too impatient? Probably impatient…

So this morning was not good. It’s like I was so engrossed on if my face was smooth. I even put on another mask to avoid touching my face. It certainly helped in the moment, but then I wonder if that was bad for my skin since you are only supposed to do it a couple times a week. AHHHHH

My husband says I’m making it (the look of my face) seem much worse than it actually is. I hope he is right. I need to give these products a chance and I really want them to improve my acne, but I need to not touch my face either!
Side note: I stumbled upon this cool website You can type in ingredients and products and it gives you ratings on how lightly it will irritate you.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Progress Post 2

I guess I was hoping by now, someone would respond to my blog. I feel that having someone that you can relate to have a great impact on the success of recovery in something like skin picking. It is rare that someone can understand the urges and temptations we are faced with on a daily level. It is NOT easy to just all of a sudden stop picking.

But….I started this blog for myself and need to keep that in mind. It is for me to become accountable and self-reflect. If I reach someone, that is just an added benefit.

As far as progress goes from last week, I still struggle in the mornings with leaving my face alone. Although I feel like I have made progress as a whole, I am not satisfied. Maybe I expect too much too soon.

I have also been thinking about getting fake nails. I consider myself a frugal person, so I’m not really a fan of the idea. Nor do I feel like I’m the type of person that “goes to get her nails done.” I suppose the benefit might be worth it though…

Friday, September 9, 2016

Progress Post 1

So I said I would post weekly, so here I go. Things got a bit rough last week as far as my face picking goes. I was utterly disgusted with how it looks. But I am happy to report I am now on the upswing. I really think one of the products I was using could have been making my acne worse. More on the products I am using in a different post.

I recently started using a microfiber wash cloth at night to take my makeup off. This helps in that I am not feeling my face again for things to pick. Yay! It’s always nice when you find something that really prevents you from picking, even if it is minor.

My night time picking is also considerably down since I now give myself only 10 minutes in the bathroom at night to shower and get ready for bed. It is the morning that I continue to struggle with. I’m always the first one up and I don’t have any makeup on either which doesn’t help. I don’t want to put on makeup that early cause what makeup lasts more than 12 hours… I definitely need to work on that….

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


The mirror is my worst enemy!  I know I am not the only one that feels that way. Currently, I only have one mirror in the house. It is a full length mirror on the back of my bedroom door in poor light. It is only to be used to put on makeup. If my husband is home and need to use the mirror, he would know since the door would be closed.

I have gotten rid of all the mirrors that come with makeup as well as all the bathroom mirrors. If someone asks why there isn’t a mirror in the bathroom, I tell them it broke. Of course, I have found ways to cheat (ex: car mirror), but I have found myself to be more conscious of what I am doing and hopefully remind myself that it’s not worth it.

So my advice: Get rid of the mirrors! Since you are not your skin picking, you are not your face either. You are so much more than outside appearances. 

Monday, September 5, 2016

My husband

My husband is truly one of kind. He is so understanding and supportive. If I want to talk about how bad my face is, he will listen. If I want to try a new product, he never says no. If I need him to sit in the bathroom with me so I don’t pick, he will. No matter how many break downs I have be it in a day, week, or month, he is there giving me a hug encouraging me to keep trying. He loves me unconditionally. He tells me how beautiful I am and when he looks at my face he doesn’t see all the red marks and pimples like I do. He is probably one of the reasons I don’t go into a deep depression. How can I have been so lucky to have this man in my life? He is truly my best friend and understands me more than I understand myself. This is why it truly breaks my heart that I cannot break this awful cycle of picking my face.

 Why isn’t this enough motivation for me?

Friday, September 2, 2016

My Skin Picking Journey

I have picking at my face for as long as I can remember. I know I would see my mom pick/pop her pimples, so I suppose you could say that’s where I learned it from. But she is nowhere near the picker I am.

I would say, my skin picking starting to get worse during and after college. In high school, I was treated for Anorexia and later diagnosed with OCD. I was on meds in high school and college. I still continue to struggle with being obsessed with food and being healthy. It does not consume my life though.

One could make an assumption that as I became less obsessed with food my skin picking got worse…maybe… I also contribute it to being worried, stressed or being at home more. I just think there is not one answer to something like this.

I have tried many attempts at beating this and have failed many times. My hope is to share what I have realized and offer advice for others like me.

Am I free of picking? Absolutely not. My goal for this blog is to get others to share their progress and be each other’s support. In my experience, you need someone that can understand what you are going through and keep you optimistic.

Here are some things that I would like to cover in upcoming blog entries:
  • Therapy
  • The dreaded mirror
  • Support
  • Fidget Toys
  • Journaling
  • Pictures
  • Makeup
  • Face Products
  • Helpful blogs/ You Tube videos

Join me on this journey of holding ourselves accountable and strive for a better you. 

I will be posting weekly check-ins where I will share my progress. In addition, I will be posting biweekly topics that pertain to skin picking. I welcome any suggestions and comments.

Let’s start by giving a short summary of you:
  • Your age
  • When you started picking
  • What you like to do for fun
  • One more sentence if you’d like to share anything else
  • We’ll keep intros short